This is the shared website for
Rev. Allyson Sawtell and Rev. Peter Sawtell.

Allyson's site is Not Ordinary Church

Allyson has developed an extensive collection of her writings, liturgies, poetry and songs.

Her website focusses its resources on two aspects of church life and its prophetic calling -- worship, and personal reflection.

Resources from Congregations Alive! 5
Congregations Alive is an occasional educational event in the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Church of Christ. In 2023, the theme of the event was Climate Justice. Peter was a keynote speaker, Allyson was a worship leader, and Allyson and Peter shared leadership of a workshop session.

Some of their materials from that event are available on-line:

Peter is still working on design and content
Peter has been working on other projects since his retirement. Someday that might turn into an organized website.

For the moment, five of his post-retirement writings are available: